KISS the Soil

With an aging farmer population and an increased awareness of the nutritional value of local food, our community is in need of a program that will empower the next generation of farmers to produce and make available locally grown fresh produce without chemicals or artificial fertilizers.

KISS the Soil LLC will farm 2 acres following regenerative principles and feed the local community nutritious food today, while empowering farmers to begin farming enterprises that will be capable of feeding the community for years to come. Each year we will increase the amount of fresh produce available to the local community while empowering new farmers to begin an enterprise and earn a living wage.

KISS the Soil LLC will sell direct to the customer through an onsite farm-stand and online sales through Second Mile Market and Food Hub. The target customer will be interested in consuming nutrient dense food grown without fertilizers and chemicals. The customer will be willing to pay a higher price as they will know that their contributions are serving other needs in the community. The personal relationships made at market will be the driving force for KISS the Soil LLC. The customer will be able to fully connect to the food they buy, being able to access the farm on site, harvest the food themselves, and have the opportunity to have any questions answered by the farmers. Providing the customer full access and transparency will separate KISS the Soil LLC from all competition.